Enjoy the links below to explore the local historical places in Mason, MI & Ingham County
National Register of Historic Places
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Inventory National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form
Local area National Register of Historic Places below
The house was listed as a historic building by the Historic American Building Survey in 1965. (Photo: Courtesy photo )
Source: Lansing Sate Journal
The "Sheehan House" Daniel & Agnes Sheehan previous owners. Date Listed on Library of Congress: structure named
significant by the US Dept of Interior after a 1965 survey of MI.
Historical records with the Ingham County Treasures Office indicate it was likely built by John Q Thompson, a farmer who owned the land.
Orignally located on Hogsback Rd,,it was moved (and still located) to property on Hagadorn Rd, Mason MI.
This home was built 11 years before Mason became a village - it was built the same year that Mason's first school house was built, as well.
It is currently owned by private family. Not open to the public
Date Listed: December 13, 1971
Ingham County Courthouse in Mason, Michigan, USA. December, 2006. Photograph by Tim Hollosy
Date Listed: June 6, 1985
Author: LadyDragonflyCC
Photo by: Kennethaw88 - Own work
The Merrylees-Post House, located at 519 W. Ash St, Mason, MI
It is currently owned by private family. Not open to the public
It is currently owned by private family. Not open to the public
Photo by: Kennethaw88 - Own work
The John Raynor House, located at 725 E. Ash St, Mason, MI
It is currently owned by private family. Not open to the public
Photo by: kennethaw88 - Own work
Several houses along Maple Street in the Westside Neighborhood Historic District in Mason, MI.
Location: Roughly bounded by W. Maple, W. Ash, Lansing and McRoberts Sts.
It is currently owned by private family. Not open to the public
Photo by: Kennethaw88 - Own work
The Michigan Central Railroad Mason Depot, now a restaurant, located at 111 N. Mason St, Mason, MI
Mason, MI
Downtown. Jefferson St. at dusk October 2005.
Tighter crop than another upload. Photographer: Tim Hollosy
Location: Bounded by Park St., E. Columbia St., Rogers and South St.
Date Listed: January 14, 2000
Photo by: kennethaw88 - Own work
The Ash Street bridge across Sycamore Creek in Mason, MI.